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∎ Read Soul View Sagacity Series Book 1 edition by Jeff Inlo Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

Soul View Sagacity Series Book 1 edition by Jeff Inlo Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

Download As PDF : Soul View Sagacity Series Book 1 edition by Jeff Inlo Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

Download PDF Soul View Sagacity Series Book 1  edition by Jeff Inlo Mystery Thriller  Suspense eBooks

Dr. Jim Sagacity has the special ability to see deep inside other people—to see their souls. Throughout his life, he watches the spirits of the recently deceased depart this world in a display of pure joyous wonder. He celebrates his ability in secret, until one day he is shown that not every soul is able to take that all important step to the next realm.

With a new understanding of what death might mean, Dr. Sagacity joins a group of other gifted people to assist those he believes lack the spiritual strength to move on to a new existence. Despite his noble intentions, the realities of death, despair, and even murder, take their toll and he finds that the world he lives in can be a very dangerous place.

Soul View Sagacity Series Book 1 edition by Jeff Inlo Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

This was an interesting book to an extent, but it was also pretty predictable. If you had the ability to see people's souls, what should you do about it? The philosophical portion of the book was the most interesting to me. The protagonist is refreshingly flawed - he's no hero - which I appreciate in a morality tale. However, the later revelations of the book were rather obvious. What would have made the book better would be if we could follow the protagonist into the future and see what he does next, knowing what he knows at the end. What is our obligation to our fellow man if we know - I mean, really KNOW - their souls are at risk. I encourage the author to make a follow-up story.

Product details

  • File Size 720 KB
  • Print Length 299 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date December 14, 2009
  • Language English
  • ASIN B0030T1VQ0

Read Soul View Sagacity Series Book 1  edition by Jeff Inlo Mystery Thriller  Suspense eBooks

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Soul View Sagacity Series Book 1 edition by Jeff Inlo Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks Reviews

It seemed really wordy but I don't know if that was just because there was not a lot of action.

Sagicity would be better off having a partner/pet or something other than himself to talk to. The ending seemed to just hang.

On the whole, I enjoyed it, and would read more by the author.
I thought the idea was clever and had potential, but I didn't care for the actual execution. Because of the POV choice and the plot choice, (the protagonist has no family, friends, or confidants, at least as far as I read) it seemed incredibly slow going to me. The author obviously has thought through his idea very carefully, but it seemed like as a reader, I received info dump after info dump of those thoughts by way of interior monolog, which didn't hold my attention and became tedious, especially in sections where the POV character was re-hashing things that had just occurred. It became very repetitious in sections.

There was terrific potential here, but I wished it moved along at a better clip.
This could have been an excellent book, because of the unusual story line. The main character (Dr. James Sagacity) jumps into situations without thinking them thru, which makes the story ridiculous in places, and it is just too word-y; I had to speed read thru a lot of it in order to finish it. The story also just ends - seems to me as tho the author couldn't think of a good ending, so he let it just stop. Such a shame. I did give it 3 stars for the story line.
Since I enjoyed the Delver Magic series, I expected to enjoy this book and I was not disappointed. Providing the initial books for free is a great way to attract readers. I hope this author continues to provide books of this quality.
The story is an interesting one, but the narrator's voice is so flat and emotionless that it is difficult to get involved in the story. The main character felt like a non-entity.
I enjoyed the book but it was a slow start and sometimes difficult to keep up with things. Found myself questioning what it was about and how things happened and yet wanting to read on to find out the outcome of a situation.
Wow. The book has one of the most startlingly unique premises I've ever encountered. I'm a prolific, serial reader so to surprise me as this book did is quite significant. Granted, it did seem a little slow in the beginning and it did take time before I figured out that things were not what they appeared to be. So, I liked the fact that the author seemed to create the right balance of drama, thriller and moral lesson. I just bought the sequel, Soul Chase, and several other books by Mr. Inlo.
This was an interesting book to an extent, but it was also pretty predictable. If you had the ability to see people's souls, what should you do about it? The philosophical portion of the book was the most interesting to me. The protagonist is refreshingly flawed - he's no hero - which I appreciate in a morality tale. However, the later revelations of the book were rather obvious. What would have made the book better would be if we could follow the protagonist into the future and see what he does next, knowing what he knows at the end. What is our obligation to our fellow man if we know - I mean, really KNOW - their souls are at risk. I encourage the author to make a follow-up story.
Ebook PDF Soul View Sagacity Series Book 1  edition by Jeff Inlo Mystery Thriller  Suspense eBooks

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